Wild Mind Improv with Anoo Tree Brod

What is Improvisation?

Improvisation is about being fully in the moment. It is about getting out of our own way so that creative inspiration can flow through us and we can create magic with our scene partners!

I’m here to help you tap into your inner child to improve your life and bring you joy!

I believe improv is for

Hey! I’m Anoo

Wild Mind Improv - A unique approach to transformation that is built in fun & connection

“Improv is the quickest path to joy.”

–Anoo Tree Brod

“It’s not about the peanut butter.”

–Ask Anoo what
this means

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” –Howard Thurman

Check out this video for more on my philosophy!